Gummy Smile Correction: The Guide To
There are many other uses for anti-wrinkle injections other than ironing out lines and creases. Take Gummy Smile correction, for example. More advanced uses from treating excess sweating, to slimming the jawline to alleviating teeth grinding, all of which we offer right here at VIVA Skin Clinics. This incredibly versatile treatment is also used to […]
Is It Normal For Lips To Be Uneven, Bruised and Swollen After Lip Filler?
Uneven Lip Fillers & Swelling after Lip Fillers. Is this normal? We’re often asked whether it is normal for lips to be uneven after lip filler injections, as well as how long any bruising will last or whether swelling should be expected. The lips are particularly sensitive and vascular so they can tend to swell […]
What is the golden ratio for lip fillers?
Lip fillers are sometimes given a bad reputation due to the number of so called ‘duck lips’ and botched procedures we far too often see. For an experienced and skilled practitioner, non-surgical aesthetics are not only a science, but also an art form. One thing that we can draw on to enhance natural beauty […]
How to Fix a Gummy Smile
A smile lights up a person’s face but not everyone is happy with how their smile looks. Some people feel that when they smile they show too much of their gums, or that their gums are simply too prominent when they smile and take all the glory away from their pearly white teeth – this […]